Quick start guide - Zentadata Developer Edition

Quick start guide - Zentadata Developer Edition


Zentadata Developer Edition is the simplest solution to start data analysis on your local machine right away. It is totally free and available for everyone.

Zentadata Developer Edition consits of 2 modules:

  1. Data Studio data analytics IDE where you actually work with a data
  2. Developer Cluster data processing engine shipped as a docker container

Developer Edition Features

  • Data formats: JSON, CSV, XML, Parquet
  • Data sources: Local File System, PostgresDB



  • Docker installed on your local machine
  • Minimum 1GB of RAM for Docker container
  • Get free Developer Edition license key at https://account.zentadata.com

Install Data Studio

You can download and install Data Studio from this link📦.

Data Studio connects to the Developer Cluster to execute user defined data jobs. By default it is cofigured to connect to the local Developer Cluster at http://localhost:8090 which is good enough for our use case.

Install Developer Cluster

Download docker image and start container:

docker pull zentadata/zentadata-dev:latest

docker run -di -p 8090:8090 --name zentadata-dev \
--mount type=bind,source=/Users/<user_name>/datasets,target=/datasets \
-e POSTGRES_URL=jdbc:postgresql://host.docker.internal:5432/postgres \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=********* \

Note: if you are running under Docker under Linux, you might need to add 1 extra parameter --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway. Otherwise container will not be able to resolve address host.docker.internal.

This will start docker container running Developer Cluster, but most probably you will need to adjust configuration for your needs. See the next chapter how to configure each parameter.

Mount local folder to container filesystem

Please notice how we use --mount parameter. To process data files from your local file system (/Users/Alex/datasets), you need to mount it into Docker container filesystem (/datasets) to be available for data engine.

Docker container configuration

There are multiple parameters available to configure Developer Cluster running in docker container via environment variables.

Note: Please notice if you want to connect to PostgresDB running on localhost, you need to set address as host.docker.internal - it is docker alias to connect from within container to localhost.

Env variable Default value Description
POSTGRES_URL jdbc:postgresql://host.docker.internal:5432/postgres PostgresDB connection string
POSTGRES_USERNAME postgres PostgresDB username
POSTGRES_PASSWORD postgres PostgresDB password
MAX_HEAP_SIZE 1g Max memory allocated for Developer Cluster
ZENTADATA_LICENSE_KEY Developer License Key you can obtain registering at https://account.zentadata.com

Simple app

Now once we have all in place, lets try to run Data Studio to execute simple queries.

Read PostgresDB

In my local postgres database i have table users defined as following:

    first_name VARCHAR,
    last_name VARCHAR,
    country  VARCHAR

INSERT INTO users (id, first_name, last_name, country)
VALUES (1, 'John', 'Dow', 'US'),
       (2, 'Nuria', 'Fabricio', 'US'),
       (3, 'Itzel', 'Langosh', 'US'),
       (4, 'Lilliana', 'Larkin', 'PL'),
       (5, 'Walker', 'Quigley', 'PL');

Lets copy paste following code into Data Studio and execute it (hotkey F9):


|1 |John      |Dow      |US     |
|2 |Nuria     |Fabricio |US     |
|3 |Itzel     |Langosh  |US     |
|4 |Lilliana  |Larkin   |PL     |
|5 |Walker    |Quigley  |PL     |

Read JSON files

On my local filesystem i have a file /Users/Alex/data-samples/orders.json with a following content:

    "order_id": "1",
    "date": "2020101",
    "items": [{
        "name": "ipad",
        "price": 449.99
    "order_id": "2",
    "date": "2020101",
    "items": [{
        "name": "imac 27",
        "price": 1700

Lets try to read this json file with Data Studio and print its content:

    .option(JsonOpts.IS_MULTILINE, "true")

|date   |items             |order_id|
|2020101|[[ipad,449.99]]   |1       |
|2020101|[[imac 27,1700.0]]|2       |

Note: Please notice how we set a path to the file relative to container mounted volume: "file:/datasets/orders.json"


We have installed Zentadata Developer Edition and successfully executed simple queries.

Ofcourse the true data analytics power comes with more advanced queries which we will show in the next blog posts.